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Criminal Law

Do the police want to interview you?


Do you have to go to court?

Call De Kretser Law before you are interviewed by the Police or go to Court. It is important to have strong legal representation during a criminal law case and protect your rights. 


Criminal law can be complex to navigate especially when you are going through a stressful time. With specialised insight and a sound knowledge of the criminal law, the firm’s criminal lawyer, Andrew De Kretser, will fight for your rights and make sure that you get a fair trial.


De Kretser Law can assist clients with the following criminal charges in a discreet and confidential manner.

  • Violent offences – assault, recklessly causing injury, threat to kill and affray

  • Sex offences – rape, indecent assault, indecent exposure and possession of child pornography

  • Drug cases – possession, use, cultivation and trafficking offences

  • Driving offences – drink driving, drug driving, speeding, driving whilst suspended, driving whilst disqualified, careless driving and dangerous driving

Violent Offences

There are a variety of violent offences that a person could commit. Each type of offence is unique depending on their circumstances and may attract high penalties and serious consequences.


Common types of violent offences include:


  • Unlawful Assault;

  • Intentionally or recklessly causing injury;

  • Affray;

  • Threat to kill; and

  • Assault with a weapon


If you get charged for an offence relating to violent behaviour, seeking legal advice quickly is crucial. Call De Kretser Law obtain fast legal advice and representation. First appointment is free and no obligation.

Sex Offences

Sex-related charges can have serious consequences and carry significant penalties if not approached carefully. De Kretser Law is experienced in handling sex offences in a discreet and confidential manner. Due to the complex and personal nature of these offences, De Kretser Law treats each matter with care and sensitively.


Sex offences include:

  • Rape

  • Indecent assault

  • Indecent exposure

  • Possession of child pornography


If you are charged with a sex offence, seeking legal advice quickly is crucial. De Kretser Law can provide fast legal advice and representation. First appointment is free and no obligation.

Read more for case study

Drug Offences

Drug offences can vary in seriousness depending on the facts including the type and amount of the drug found, and the purpose for possessing the drug. De Kretser Law examines all aspects of the case to achieve the best outcome for the client.


Drug offences that De Kretser Law can help with generally relate to:


  • Possession;

  • Trafficking;

  • Importation;

  • Cultivation;

  • Manufacturing. 


If you get charged for a drug offence, De Kretser Law has a criminal lawyer that can help you.

Driving Offences

The right to drive and hold a driver licence is often taken for granted. When someone faces the risk of losing their licence, it can be a very stressful and uncertain time, especially when losing your licence might cause you to lose your job and disrupt your family life. De Kretser Law’s criminal lawyer will work quickly to help you to regain your licence as soon as possible or to minimise the time that a Court decides you cannot drive.


Categories of driving offences that De Kretser Law can help you with include:


  • Drink driving

  • Drug driving

  • Dangerous driving

  • Careless driving

  • Driving whilst disqualified or suspended

  • Unlicensed driving

  • Speeding offences

  • Driving an unregistered motor vehicle


If you are charged for a driving offence, seeking legal advice quickly is crucial.  De Kretser Law can represent you and fight for your legal rights.

Read more for case study

Property Offences

Have you been charged with committing a property offence? It is important to understand why you have been charged, your rights, the legal process, if the police have enough evidence to prove that you committed the offences with which you were charged, and the possible punishment that you might receive if you plead guilty or are found guilty of the charges.


There are many different property offences including:


  • Burglary

  • Theft

  • Dealing with proceeds of crime

  • Handling stolen goods

  • Obtaining property by deception

  • Arson

  • Trespassing


Property offences are very serious offences. You could be jailed for some of these offences. You need to discuss your charges with a lawyer who is experienced in fighting these types of charges. Call De Kretser Law now for a free, no obligation appointment.


White-Collar Offences

White-collar offences relate to non-violent offences that are generally committed for financial gain. The penalties for such offences may include fines or imprisonment. Some offences relate to an individual or company failing to comply with their duties and obligations under corporations law and to the tax office. Offences include:

  • Failing to lodge tax returns and activity statements

  • Falsifying company and tax documents

  • Bribery

  • Tax evasion

  • Omitting information

  • Obtaining financial advantage by deception

De Kretser Law is experienced in representing clients who have been charged with white-collar offences. We can assist you quickly and effectively.

Intervention Orders

Applying for, or contesting, an intervention can be an emotional and stressful experience.


An intervention order is a court order that can impose significant legal restrictions on your freedom and the way that you communicate with people close to you including family members, business associates and friends. Intervention orders are civil orders made by the Magistrates’ Court.


If Victoria Police charge you with breaching an intervention order, and the Magistrates’ Court either find you guilty or you plead guilty to this charge, you could be imprisoned for this criminal offence.


De Kretser Law is experienced at representing clients in the Magistrates’ Court who seek or contest a family violence intervention order, and clients charged with breaching an intervention order.


Call De Kretser Law on 1800 800 LAW if you need representation at the Magistrates’ Court before you are interviewed by Victoria Police or appear at the Magistrates’ Court. Your first interview is free and no-obligation.

Read more for case study

Victims of Crime

Have you or a family member been the victim of a violent crime? There are a number of services available to support victims in Victoria. The Victims of Crime Assistance Act 1996 established the Victims of Crime Assistance Tribunal where you or your family member might be eligible to receive financial assistance as a result of a violent crime.


De Kretser Law acts on behalf of victims of crime and their family members at the Victims of Crime Assistance Tribunal. For those seeking legal assistance, it is important to note that these cases are funded through the Tribunal. You or your family member will not be asked or required to pay any legal fees.


The Tribunal might award you or your family member financial assistance to help cover some of the following costs and expenses that relate to the violent crime:


  • Counselling and medical expenses

  • Safety-related expenses such as home security

  • Clothing worn at the time of the incident that has been damaged or destroyed

  • Loss of income

  • Funeral costs


If you are feeling overwhelmed by the process of seeking compensation and need legal representation at the Tribunal, call De Kretser Law on 1800 800 LAW now and speak to an experienced lawyer.

Violent Offences
Sex Offences
Drug Cases
Driving Offences
Property Offences
Victims of Crime
White-Collar Offences
Intervention Orders

Contact Us


De Kretser Law 


340 Highett Road 
Highett VIC 3190


Phone: 1800 800 LAW



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